If you’re looking for a great place to get pho in the Prosper area, then this blog post is just what you need. We have compiled a list of all the best places to grab some amazing Vietnamese noodles and broth. Whether it’s a hot day or cold night, these restaurants will do their best to make sure your taste buds are happy! So take your time reading this article and enjoy yourself on our journey through Prosper TX pho joints.
Rice and Noodle
2750 S Preston Rd #112
Celina, TX 75009
P: (214)-851-0500
Pho-Que-Huong Noodle-&-Grill
8600 Preston Rd #117
Frisco, TX 75024
P: (214) 618-8006
Family Doctors
Bathroom Remodeling
Carpet Cleaning
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