PROSPER (March 31, 2023) Residents in North Texas are asked to take a quick survey to help Lit Communities assess available internet for the Prosper, Gunter, Anna, Van Alstyne and Melissa areas. The impacts of taking the survey will help determine the current Broadband capacity in these communities and provide a plan for increased service. By taking this brief survey, residents will be helping to determine the need for more affordable and reliable high-speed internet to our area.

Once residents have completed the survey, they will be asked to take a speed test to measure their current internet connection performance. The speed test data is crucial to the project and the data collected will greatly increase the ability to improve broadband services. This survey is unique to any others in which you may have participated.

What is broadband? “Broadband” is the transmission of large amounts of data over a high-speed internet connection. “Bandwidth” is the maximum amount of data transmitted over an internet connection in a given amount of time. Put simply, broadband is high-speed internet that is continuously connected without interruption. 

“The Town of Prosper, in partnership with the PEDC and with the support of Lit Communities, is conducting a comprehensive assessment of Broadband availability, capacity, reliability and need for our community, Gunter, Anna, Melissa, and Van Alstyne,” said Prosper Mayor David Bristol. “Your assistance is required. Please complete the survey and be certain to participate in the Speed Test. This survey is new and unrelated to previous ones. Your responses are appreciated.”

To learn more and take the survey, please visit

For questions about this survey or initiative, please send an email to Mary Ann Moon at [email protected]